Handmade Doctor Who TARDIS LED Lamp

Now it’s your chance to own one of a kind lamp.
This beautifully handcrafted light box is made of linden wood and glass, and it’s the perfect gift for every Doctor Who fanatic!
My first meet with the Doctor Who was the 9° Dottore (Christopher Eccleston) and Rose Tyler, bad wolf.
The Doctor is the last time lord, he can travels in space and time thancks to his T.A.R.D.I.S. a kind of DeLorean but it looks like a London police telephone box.
Nowadays The Doctor has reach his 13°incarnation, the 12° doctor was Peter Capaldi. To say goodbye to P. Capaldi I had make 13 Tardis watercolor battery lightbox lamps.
Each Tardis is unique and different, there are only 13 of this series, each one is hand maded, and rappresent my mood in different days while I made them, like: Happynes, sadness, cheerfulness and much more…

If you love Doctor Who half as much as I do, then you’re going to love this light box.
The Tardis on the inside is not a print!
The watercolor is entirely handmade, and it’s illuminated by LED lights.

The light box sizes are:
- 18,3 cm (7 1/4 in) tall
- 18,3 cm (7 1/4 in) long
- 7,3 cm (2 7/8 in) wide
This lamp is the perfect accessory for any Whovian! Hurry up and order the perfect gift, there still left only 12!